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Responses to the Guileful Claims of The Young Turks Network (Gen 3:4->John 8:44->2 Thess 2:11-12) - Part 2

Responses to the Deliberately: Moronic, Idiotic and/or Erroneous Anti-Bible Claims of TYT (Pro 26:5) - Part 2 [Part 1]

As it seen in the post on “The Worldview of Unbelievers”, I had begun to includingly address and respond to also the anti-God/Bible/Christianity claims made by people at The Young Turks Network but is soon became self-evident that they claims were patently disingenuous, and mainly by being/remaining deliberately idiotic about what the Bible actually says, and so responding to them only became a time consuming exercise in “whack-a-moron”. So I instead jotted responses to them in a separate offline document, which also didn’t have to involve the referencing of what they had said (i.e. links to the (Youtube) clips where they make their stupid claims. The following post is an online “dump” of that private document because at some time, you do have to show “fools” how foolish they are...

(And it is nothing that they these privacy-invading and computer-hacking tortfeasing Criminals have not read/seen before...So don’t be fooled by any faux outrage that they may manifest in “vexed” response.)
            Now, if they are serious or sincere, they’ll then seek to do much better in their attempt to discredit the Bible and Christianity....But they most likely will not because (a) they can’t...and they both know it and (evidently) don’t want to care and (b) like Dognald Drumpf and his Trumpkins, they can keep on hoodwinkingly misleading their likewise clueless and/or indifferent audience.
            The specific links to the Youtube clips may eventually be supplied for all of these responses, but for now only a summarizing title is at time given about what these people at TYT had claimed. (Each entry started with a hyphen (-) usually marks a response a new/distinct claim).

#Rational #Logical #Sensical #Scientific = #TRUTH

Interesting: Worldwide Atheism has dropped 0.17% between 2000-2010 and “convinced atheists” dropped 2% from 13% (2012) to 11% (2015). So now ca. 500 million to 1.1 billion people worldwide think that ‘a supernatural world/entities does/do not exist’.

-If being an Atheist is supposed to be so much “freeing”, saning, “fun”, then why do atheists do so much to try to “escape” the reality of their life (e.g. getting drunk/“wasted”, getting “baked”/high/drugged), including a much higher rate of suicide than theists (even mostly the ones perpetrating mass shootings/murders).....Because Atheism actually does not have the answers, especially the ultimate answer that matters.

... “Truer words...”

Rathering Dan rather brings the Teleprompter to TYT...LOL.... #NewDawgOld Tricks....

Charles Darwin, and his Evolutionists, was/are unscientific=idiotic morons:

...of course, you’re the ignoramus/incompetent/uninformed one who thinks that God is neither Just or is allowed to Judge, and so you deem whatever Capital Punishment judgement that He calls for or does as “(brutally) homicidal”...
            ...It is simply analogized as this: If you are a (serial) murderer) then do not seek to live in a country which enforces Capital Punishment for murder... and since other people naturally object to murder, then don’t expect to threaten and take the lives of others in any other territory and get away with it. God executes His Capital Punishment on both people who are violating the Covenant (= “Constitution”) with Him that they freely had agreed to live by (I.e. believers/Christians) and also takes Capital Judgement measures (e.g. (defensive) war, “Flood”, plague) when the consentual/permitted sinfulness of other peoples/nations (e.g the infectiously filthy Canaanites, likely also the Sodomites, the ruthless Philistines) threatens or takes the lives of those who are living righteously...but such contextualizingly Bible Comprehension is for the non-moronic class....
            The Judgements of God all makes perfect sense when duly weighed in its wider context...It’s God’s Erath, God’s Universe...all having a tangible cost to God..so He does get to decide the laws which are to govern it and by which His created beings are to live by or the, clearly forewarned consequences if they do not....It would unsensically be like you having hired 100 workers to carry out your idea/vision for a news media company, but then they decide that you cannot tell them what to do, and how they should do the work....and you can’t fire them....Good Luck with that....That’s exactly what Satan’s “bright” alternative idea was/is [=Patriarchs & Prophets Chapter 1 (pp. 33ff): “Why Was Sin Permitted”]....
            But let’s just say it like it really is: The only reason you are so against the Bible, including LOL ‘your most hated story: The Tower of Babel”’, is because you ignoramusly/moronically believe that the Bible is purely prescriptive...meaning that everything writing in it is to be mimickingly followed....And so if God e.g. did a Flood Judgement, or if God told Israel to go and possess another nation’s land, then Believers today are also supposed to, and going to, do the same thing....That is of course how you (erroneously) think that Num 5 has God performing an abortion...so all Believers should also do abortions...Of course the part that you, and other Biblically-incompetent people like you, leave out here is that: “God did/would have done those acts”...But, like the Catholic Church who think that they are God, you, and others like you think that they themselves have to do those acts...instead of God Himself doing it if He chooses to. Rather then spending all your energy trying to get people to reject the Bible, you, and your “New (Militant) Atheist” ilk, should actually invest your time and brain into rightly understanding, interpreting and applying it...That would solve many of your issue of difference with Christians, including American Christians thinking that God has mandated them to make America a Christian Nation through its government...or who think that God cannot be remonstratingly judging/punishing them and their Empirical, Covetous and Greedy Materialism/Consumerism selves through Militant Islam...and so, rather then seeking to themselves change and stop trying to spread their abominable culture to the rest of the world, they think that God has called them to wage war, moreover indiscriminate war, on any nation/people who do not want to accept their Imperialistic “Democratic”, Capitalistic and/or “(Babylonian) Christian” ways...
            ...The World’s solution is the Bible rightly understood, and faithfully/properly lived out by Believers...and certainly not: ‘the Bible completely ignored’...Because, as you Atheist inherently know: You definitely do not want a world with everyone actually living like true (Evolutionistic) Atheists...(Which you atheists certainly do not do)...Because then, not even “God”, let alone another human, can tell you what to do, or not do....

...Cases in Point: God had Noah preach for 120 years to the Antedelluvians to repent of their wicked ways and avoid the coming Flood...if any would do so, they would have been saved in the ark....in fact, if all of them had repented, as the Ninevites did when Jonah preached to them, then God too would have not sent His Promised Judgement (Jonah 4:9-12)..But only no one other than Noah’s family heeded that clear and longtime warning....proving God’s case that the entire world was filled with either ‘violently evil’ people, -(who thus threatened the well-being of righteous people), or people who were indifferent to the wickedness around them. So they chose to kill themselves here.
            Similarly, God’s plan to dispossess the abominably wicked people in the land of Canaan was to send hordes of wasps after them to cause them to flee...But because Israel had no faith in Him, God let Israel fend for themselves and conquer, now forceably by their own military strength what parts of the land they could expropriate...and they couldn’t manage to get all that had been promised to them.
            These are the only two instances in the Bible where atheists can (surfacely plausibly) that “God murders people who do not obey him in the Bible”...He does not. He instead warns people who are a clear and present life threat to righteous people to repent, and gives them plenty of time to do so, and when they do not, He warns them of their judgement and even how they can avoid it...and when they defiantly do not heed that last chance warning, these people end up killing themselves...Just like in Jesus Christ final judgement of this world...
            ...It’s not murder...It’s Justice...But like Lucifer, you Heathens are against God not sponsoring your disobedient lifestyle...God response: get your own life...if you can...
            Funny how your “New Atheist” mess-iah Christopher Hitchens made these vacuous bombastic claims against God, and you all have sheepishly been regurgitating them since...

.LOL...Stop lying to yourselves..You can’t be claiming to be for small government if you want the government to pay for the care of the children that you choose to have {‘or you will just keep aborting them’} (=Paid Family Leave) or for government to pay for your, especially higher Education (Paid College Tuition) or for government to pay for your Health’s Care (Universal Health Care). “small government” means “free market economics”... You all selectively pick whatever you want or to want to define what a “small government” is which actually really is in order for you to be able to murder as many unwanted babies as you want....

Just technically speaking: as usual, you obtusely missed the part where she said “we”/“our”, i.e. her fellow Believers who watch the show...and not “every child/person in the world”...who by the way, are all born with “original sin”....But if you need to sound stupidly offended in order to keep your sheeple deluded...then suit your-idiotic-self.... 
            Btw, get your own “lines”...instead of recycling mine against Catholics in order to attack Christianity....LOL....You needy loser....

So I am listening to an audio recording of the story of the Tower of Babel (Gen 11) from the SOP in PP 117-124* and I couldn’t help but amusedly rethink of Guru Uygur’s hysterical comment that “this story is the one he hates the most in the Bible”...Wait why “hate”?...Why so much invested emotion in what he claims is all mere mythology???...It is not even as if Christians are going around today and preventing people from learning other languages, or more precisely: speaking the same language, as this was the curse of God here...In fact many Christians will say that ‘you must speak in a previously unknown language....

...I myself can’t think of any story that I find mythological, i.e involving a supernatural element, that I bother to care about...let alone, to the point of out-loud-expressed “hate” ...but of course, the reason why Guru Uygur is so bothered by this story is that it strikes at the actual nerve of his (so-called) “agnosticism”... It is not that he does not “know that God exist”...It is that he does not want a God who has such an Authority and Power to oversee affairs on Earth according to His Will to exist....Not surprisingly at all: the only “acceptable” that can exist for Guru Uygur, is one who thinks and would do, exactly like himself.....How not surprising....Manifestly it is circularly because Uygur and his agnostic kin have this smarting sentiment of resentment at their ‘god’ having abandoned them on the Earth after ‘having seeded it with basic life’....So like a late teenage child who is resentful at their father for having abandoned them when they were a baby, this ‘god-forsaken agnostic’ is surely not going to accept a ‘father-god’ who wants to now, not only come back into his life, but tell him what he can and cannot do...... #Immature ...LOL...when all along you had been refusing to answer his frequent phone calls or open his many letters...because...of course...you didn’t want him to tell you what to do....

            Same goes with your constant vocifering against your Hollywood/“Left Behind” understand of “armaggeddon”:

(A) The Bible’s Har/Ar-Mageddon involves people from all over the world, False-Christians and Atheists&Agnostics alike, banding together [behind your heart-breaking buddy the Liberal Pope] to murder (potentially even with [U.S./Western] nuclear missiles) the group of people who do not believe like them and their “Babylonian” Spiritualism (Rev 16:12-16; 17:9-18)...So why shouldn’t the God of those persecuted and life-threatened Righteous ones intervene to protect, i.e. in most warranted self-defense, that murderously-obstinate global mob??!!! (Rev 16:17-21).

...and (B) Sounds like you are more upset at Jesus for not saving you in the end for having devoted your life to selfishly/self-worshippingly opposing every thing that he and his commissioned apostles advocated and spoke against that you “humanist” cannot accept....So you devotedly spend your life murdering babies and/or encouraging others to do so (not even mentioning your other favorite abominable sins advocating), all in the name of your whimsically self-curtailed/limited “(evolution)-god-science”, and you expect that Jesus should hold you guiltless for those (moreover serial) murders and accessory to murders....Not a chance....(Matt 25:45-46)...Not even close (Exod 20:7)...Can’t say He hadn’t amply warned the likes of you....

LOL..every time you Freudianly, “naturally” express it as a “pro-choice” vs. “pro-life” confrontation, you confessingly self-expose the weakness of your stance, which is why you need to conceal it: It logically, sequiturly, “naturally”, is: “pro-life” vs. pro-death”.....And science does show that it is even ‘living tissue’, let alone living cells, that you are aborting....And merely according to your own evolution theory: where would you be today is your primary “living cell/organism” had been “aborted”.....

....and the vast majority of Christianity ROTF-LOL at how you are completely clueless as to why they do not believe that OT dietary laws are applicable in the New Covenant...Instead of indulging in giving yourself high blood pressure mini-strokes...why won’t you spend your time and energy in engaging those “but...but...but....” re-but-tals that those Christians have...i.e. disprove the New Testament texts/reasons that they cite to justify them ‘eating anything now’....But of course you won’t...because you can’t....and you don’t dare seem like the Biblically illiterate and incompetent ignoramus that you are before your even more witless sheeple...So yo prefer to be their “one-eyed-guru”......Literally: “knock yourself out” one useless mini-stroke after another....

            Oh yeah..for the umpteenth time: Jesus prophetically commissioned Paul to be His Apostle and Prophet to non-Jews (Acts 9)....and Paul clearly spoke against homosexuality (e.g. Rom 1:18-32; 1 Cor 6:9-10)...And all Christians believe in the writings of Paul....So stop playing dumb...(Newsflash to you self-important egomaniac: Christianity is not determined by what you can or will consider)....Jesus only spoke about what they Jewish People were doing wrong (Matt 10:6; 15:24)...and clearly they did not have an issue with homosexuality as the former heathens in the Gentile world did...

            Quite telling that you never say a peep to your purported “highly hypocritical Christians” about them worshiping on Sunday...Have you ever read in the OT what happens to people who do not observe God’s Seventh Day Sabbath*...or is that not “Muslim” enough for you to get all excited about like OT dietary laws....By the way....why all the obsession with “shellfish” and very little about swine/pork...The OT explicitly says additionally much more against that than against unclean seafoods...Or would that hit too close to your own favorite abominable diet??!!!

* FYa’llsI: Contrary to the popular heresy of +99% of Christians, the New Testament anywhere does not say that the weekly Seventh-Day Sabbath of the Ten Commandments are no longer binding on Christians....It is only Jewish/OT ceremonial Feasts which were supposed to also be kept as the 7th-Day Sabbath (i.e. “sabbath days”which were no longer applicable. (=Col 2:16 (proper translation); Rom 14:5-6) Plus the testimony and example of the Apostles of Christ and their Apostolic Church, as seen in the Bible and certain early Church History documents was that they all kept the weekly 7th-Day Sabbath (e.g Acts 13:42–44; 15:21). And history reveals that it was Christians who were afraid to be confused as taxed Jews who later started worshiping Sunday...then also Saturday/Sabbath....then the Catholic Church outlawed Sabbath...and that popular heretical tradition was thus made official in the Christian Church.

-And, FYIgnoramus’Education [surely you cannot be that dunce & obtuse]: The Laws of the Old Covenant are distinct from the historical accounts of how things happened, including Creation, in the “Old Testament”. So Christians rightly no longer observing the ceremonial Laws of the Old Covenant does not mean that they must also reject the accounts of the Creation...They are not one and the same.....

Again with you all’s obtuse/defensive “what-aboutisms”: If the gun crime was killing 1-1.5 million Americans per year as American Abortion does, then I think Pro-Life Protesting resources would be directed to that industry....
            ...The other industry that should be protested however is the alcohol industry as it kills ca. 250 people per day (90,000 per year),, and seriously injures many more...but of course you wine-bibbers self-defensively also won’t be advocating for that.....

To be factual...(versus indifferently uninformed/witless =shoddy/biased “journalism”): “Pussy Riot” were arrested for having done their protest in a Russian Orthodox Church*.....which is not at all a “Catholic Church”...I don’t think Putin would care if they had done that in a Catholic Church, since he is not Catholic but Russian Orthodox...LOL...

Further facts: only 0.5% of the population in Russia are Catholic (=773,000 = 0.06% of global Catholics) while ca. 75% are Russian Orthodox

...Speaking of being gullibly uninformed...and you work in “media”.....

a) What’s the “conspiracy” of (actual/original) Christianity?? Oh yeah: make infectuously sickly, idols-worshipping, aborting&infanticiding, foul-mouthed, selfish, violent and uncouth “barbaric” heathens become decent people...and why would the crafters of the supposed “lie” of Christianity all choose to be murdered for their “invented” claims rather than abandon them?????? This is what you atheist won’t understand.... Both the 12 Apostles of Christ and Mohammed had an encounter with the super-natural....what you think to have invented as “Sky-Aliens”...They encountered beings from outside our world, in the case of Mohammed, it was Satan, in the case of the 12 Apostles it was the Son of God...and, on top of Bible prophecy, that is why billions of people can believe their testimony... 

b) An ABC documentary debunkingly showed that the JFK bullet was not “magic”....look it up...There are still many questions surrounding the assassination, but the “magic bullet” point is no longer a supportable one for Conspiracists...

            You do realize, Ana, that (conservative) women (still) could not care less that ‘you have no respect for them’...In fact they are probably scratching their heads to recall when did ask, or care that, you have respect for them....It is likely also manifest to them that this whole back-and-forth confliction of yours is entirely you trying to be faithful to your subjective ‘live and let live’ “liberalism”/“progressivism” code which would have you have “respect” for people, especially women, irrespective of their personal beliefs and choices...Isn’t that what “democracy” is supposed to be all about: One view does not have to be right, good or moral...It just has to be one’s view...And when it came down to a choice between a (non-convicted, thus innocent of any allegations) Dognald vs. a candidate/woman that they greatly disliked and disagreed with...who “will endorse the murdering of babies” , those conservative/Christian chose the ‘less proven/material’ evil...Don’t blame them, blame “'Merica”....and: “Liberalism” is not an (objective) thing....
            So you don’t have to make yourself feel bad for enjoining the (online) mob of people who want to viciously/vulgarly/profanely insult women who support Dognald Drumpf....Trust me, most of those conservative women do not actually care....in fact, they probably are pitying you...as they just as staunchly believe in their Conservative/Christian Women Values as much as you don’t.....

[yet another guileful spiel about how “Number 5 = God is pro-abortion”]               
...How desperately idiotic, irrational and unscientific....if you keep repeating it, then it will become true....if enough of your likewise ignoramus gullible sheeple stupidly and blindly believe you....

-So...let’s see if I basically get it...a parent having their child circumcised is wrong...but abortion is perfectly acceptable #TheRationalityOfTheIrrational (The irony though... OT Circumcision was meant to reduce the desirability of one, like Abraham (Gen 16&17), “thinking with their little head”)...and if circumcision is (“solely”) based in religion, the preventing it is a religious freedom issue...
            ...The Christian argument is that circumcision is not actually required for them (Rom 2:29) and it was always meant to be representative of the actual ideal (Deut 10:16; 30:6; Jer 4:4)

...Oh please spare me the sanctimonious crocodile tears from you people who would have preferred that such “burdensome” children would have just been murdered through abortion instead....as always, just take responsibility for your own lifestyle preferences and choices and go and form your own “gay” adoption agencies from where you will be able to send children to whatever form of unnatural family unit you like...Bible Christians, pointedly those operating a private institution, do not have to do what you all atheists “im-morally” want/like....
            Plus I’ve heard that the rate of teen suicide is 17x higher in homosexual families than heterosexual ones...so it’s also a matter of life and death....
            [03:57] LOL... Again, just because “you always say something”, doesn’t make it so....but it does show how stubbornly ignoramus you are:
            So Christians are supposed to “sprinkle goat’s blood in the middle of the temple”...I would say that your problem Guru Uygur is that your brain was molded in Islam...so you still can’t help but religiously think in those unnuanceable dogmas, -(which is why you have such Freudian affinity with Roman Catholicism), hence why you purportedly can’t sustain understanding the difference between the Bible’s Old vs. New Covenant...but we all know that the real issue here is that you helplessly are a bold-faced, God-damned, liar (=John 8:44) #YouAreTheSideWhoLies.....who moreover guilefully needs to play stupid #Not“Balanced”NorFair-minded....But “read the Bible” at e.g. Eph-esians 2:15 & Col-ossians 2:16-17 if you are that Biblically ignornant/illiterate/incompetent...
            Like with Bill Maher,* you and your desperate obtuse antagonistic diatribes against (Biblical) Christianity will thus actually keep repulsing the actually intelligent/sane people away from you and your cult, and only keep attracting the like-mindedly moronic and willfully idiotic....Have ‘em all....

-What do you call a female “Bernie Bro”...a “Bernie Broad”.....

-LOL..I know you all TYTers see it, but don’t dare speak up against it...lest you get fired...The default thing when disagreeing with Guru Uygur is that, no matter what the topic, ‘the other person is going to be wrong’ even if they are right, because he’ll never concede to being wrong....unless he can hoodwink people into thinking it was actually his view all along #EgoDrunk

LOL..Well then, have I got news for you; You could get splattered by a bus leaving work tonight...Then what??!!!!....So don’t just worry about ‘developing terminal illnesses’...But nice try vacuously trying to excuse why YOU are not living by what you claim to “know about life/death”...

-LOL...So if ‘“emotional”/“tragedy” porn’ is bad..then why isn’t “sex/porn porn”????

‘Who’s not having pre-marital sex??’...In this day and age, people who don’t want to, especially the self-respecting people whose self-worth is not tied to being part of the slut-bandwagon.
...and, keep deridingly calling virgin/celibate guys “poor schmucks”...that should help incite someone, -usually the typically suicidal, self-loathing atheist viewers watching your show, to do a future mass shooting...because if he is not “getting any”...no matter how hard he is trying, and he has no belief/fear in/of God, then he must be what you all are bullying/“pressuring” him about....ergo he’ll prove his masculinity with an actual gun.... ...or a rented van...like the “InCel” guy on 4-23-2018 that you all likewise had goaded...
            Unlike you, there are self-respecting guys out there who are not willing to engage in predatorily stalking girls attending gatherings where there will be ample alcohol available-served-consumed to emotionally manipulate the most insecure+drunk ones so that you can sexually exploit them, and in time, even ‘in a stairwell, if necessary’, before they sober up and then also come to their unmanipulated senses and change their minds about pitying your begging fatgly mug... Only your droid-nephew fell for your loser: “treat-girls-like-$#!+” con indoctrination...

-I know it triggers you when someone is not youthfully-traumatized, self-worth bankrupt psychologically-bankrupt, desperately-susceptible to peer-pressure and existentially angstful like you are, but #focus

Wasn’t the label “beta” (euphemistically/double-entendre) given to techies because they rather work behind a keyboard and electronics rather than do the muscle jobs?!!
-LOL you “Progressives” need to keep up with your whimsical&unnatural professions, you Freudianly still make/applaud “phobic” references to homosexuality. E.g. ‘this is the type of guy that makes me nervous because these are the people I think probably watch gay porn’....
You all “Progressives” should get together and write your Progressive “Ten Commandments”, “Bible” and “Fundamental Creed”....because you all are literally all over the place, including in your purported “factual” claims...That’s not “scientific...

LOLOLOL....I would say that you are ignorant that: you are ignorant....that you are ignorant.... but since it actually  is, willfully so... (and so that you can con your sheeple... because you ain’t fooling anyone who knows and actually (properly = exegetically) READS the Bible...) We all know it is because you are a depraved liar and it just doesn’t get more SATANIC/EVIL than that (John 8:44) There is a special place in Hell for Satan’s sock-puppets like you.... Can’t wait for that day when I’ll smile at your pathetic willful loser self burning in Hell*...and guess what, you still won’t care then..because that, and God-provingly so, is what your preferred&cultivated evil character entrenchedly is...
Like “your father the Devil” the exposing indicator that your argument/claim/case/view is totally bankrupt...when you have to resort to lying...

* Clearly, you and your impish friends don’t get it yet....so let me “spell it out for you”, I actually can...e.g. walk in ‘right in zee midle of your show” and shoot you, live on air... [and/or, as per the scenario at the conclusion of these posts]...and still end up “smilingly watching you writhe, agonize and, -a long while later..(probably last-to-“Beelzebulb” himself), in your case, eventually burn up in Hell”... #http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1783732 ...and I’ll surely have been the one to “mete out” (GC 660.4) that duration’s sentencing!!!!
            ...Y’all fiends want to stupidly...or just outright maniacally...given all the demons infesting you....keep, and tortiously so, claiming that “I fu@kered-punched you all first”...well then I guess, to end this, I will have to ‘knock y’all the fu@k out”.... “#ButKeepEffingWithMe”

[07:38] I dare you to debate me, live on your channel, on this “Numbers 5” issue to expose, in candid real time, to your entire staff and viewership, what an Evil-minded, lying and idiotic cult leader you actually are..
-And Speaking of you all claiming that Conservative/Evangelical women just give themselves over to Trump and men...I love the way Ana just sheepishly silently gives over her brain to you everytime you mention this false claim about Num 5....Of course because she (1) also believes and/or wants to believe that; and (2) she doesn’t want to be caught/seen speaking against what her own parents and/or relatives/in-laws religiously believe in... hmmm ... just like the “Trump women”...Freudian Projection Much???!           
-You haven’t been brainwashed, you’ve had your brain itself washed out..... #Fool

Nice try..LOL...that is what “The Young Turks” is based on...but keep hoodwinking your ignoramus sheeple with some redefining/revisionist “contemporized” non-sense....

HAHAHA!...But haven’t you heard “Fear (of the Lord) is the beginning of Wisdom” (Job 28:28; Psa 111:10; Pro 1:7; 9:10; 15:33; Mic 6:9)...(Contrary to your trite ignorant propaganda, that’s also how modern science was founded, btw...by devotedly God-fearing people)... Yes, there are two types of people ‘democratically allowed to be born’ into this world...all stemming from Gen 3:15 God’s offspring vs. Satan’s spawns: I.e. Those who, -unlike you all, have a/the “fear of God in them” and those who don’t...and it is those who don’t who have brought all of the human violent, sickly and epidemic diseases and calamities into this world, from murders, abortion, HIV/AIDS, bestiality, cannibalism, etc. You all moronically just ““fearlessly”” do whatever you think is good/right and then reap the whirlwind of sickly and deadly consequences, and infect/affect many other innocent people around you....
            You all are like little children...with inexperienced and undeveloped brains, who don’t even think to be fearful of something, until it “bites/burns/bruises” them... E.g. Why are you now “fearful” when practicing your priorly “free love” lifestyle, where now you are like HazMat workers in your virtual bodysuit “protection”, including goggles...or for those who can afford it: clinical lab rats through a battery of tests... ...because of all those STDs you’ve contracted....
-Again more obtuse & hysterical deeming/thinking/objecting by “bleeding heart liberals” on a self-righteous agenda which just do a great disservice to actual legitimately cases of police abuse. Yes the darkness was a determinative factor and someone who is trespassing going about other people’s property and smashing the windows of their cars is, inherently, a threat...who moreover is likely to be well-armed when doing such brazen acts of violence. So the police did have reason to think that he could be carrying a gun (which makes more logical sense than someone carrying a cell phone while vandalizing other people’s property) and then be lying in a bear trap for them. The police did, validly in my opinion, especially as the guy was not responding to them, shoot in self-defense, and having done so, why then should it become their top most priority to, throwing now all caution aside, risk their lives to try to save the life of someone who they still do not know is not still posing a threat to them. In such cases, such a shooting is valid in my view.
            That all said, I still think that beat police should have more of a containment&cover strategy until e.g. SWAT reinforcement comes. But I gather here they thought he was trying to break into a home and then when he turned and moved towards them, they felt that he was a life threat to them.

-An unresponsive person may just be momentarily knocked out, e.g. from the striking force of a bullet, so I see nothing wrong with first hand cuffing them, which then should not preclude attending to them with first aid, and actually even makes that more safely and fully effectuable. The handcuffs to do not actually make vital matters worse.

-I gather that Police training is uniformedly evolvingly formed from prior cases where police officers got (fatally) burned, and doing such things like first handcuffing an injured/unresponsive suspect before giving them first aid would have saved the life of that officer.

-I “reasonably” think that a police officer does have a right to live even if he/she chose to become a police officer. There is no such thing as “billion times more” versus “one time” life...Life is inherently on a one vs. one basis and in matters of a valid/credible threat to one’s life or others, one does have the right to act to preserve their “one chance” at being alive. And Police Officers do risk their lives to save the lives of people. But that does not mean that they have to become an easy prey to people which (validly) are a threat to their lives or to others.

Again, all of these defaultly obtuse and hysterical, knee-jerk objections only cheapen this whole discussion. I am all with you guys when a perpetrator is visibly either unarmed or lesser armed than an armed police officer, and/or when containment and waiting for back up is safely feasible, but in such cases when one validly could not tell if such a criminally/violently acting person was a threat, and the chances are that they are, then such action is valid self/others-defense.

“hate shellfish” - still have not even begun to rebutt any of most Christians’ claim of: ‘the New Testament allowing to eat OT unclean foods‘ (e.g. Acts 10:9-16)...
“hate divorce people”...not in the Bible
“not masturbate” = not technically in the Bible and, (contrary to e.g. Catholic Claims),  “Onanism” is not an anti-masturbation rule....get educated
“not to do birth control” - not in the Bible...pre-conception birth control is not outlawed

Ergo, as patently always:  4 out of 5 (ignorant/ignoramus/idiotic/guileful/incompetent/Muslim) straw man claims ...all to desperately, pathetically, to support your irrational hate...against Truth....In fact you HATE babies so much, you would not have mind if that baby had been snuffed out by their mother before she was born...if that mother felt like doing so...

-Freudianly, [actually that was (probably) purposeful on your guileful part], telling that you did not [falsely] claim: “Yahweh tell you to abort unwanted babies but you love them so much you don’t, and don’t encourage other to do so”... #ShamelessLIAR

...You all’s “ethics” is pure whimsical/subjective garbage...as proven by the humanist atrocities that it has produced in history...as people did whatever they felt was right for them....
...Should that doctor have treated that baby...off course...it not against God nor the Bible to do so...especially in His New Covenant Era....

-LOL... “that 6-day old baby has no sexual identity yet”....OKAY....whatever.....You all are determined on making everybody idiots...Actual SCIENCE knows that psychological affectations do not change a person’s physical sexual gender = identity....

..So there’s hope for TYTers after-all..
Militant Atheism is a mental illness..since you all are spending a significant part of your time railing against what you claim to believe doesn’t even exist...If some was doing that about “Santa Claus”, they would be enterred in a mental institution...    

As this ex-Atheist testifies of his experience, many people read the Bible and come to Faith in God/Christ because of reading it...so the issue is not “reading the Bible”...It all has to do with what supposition you bring into your reading of the Bible. And clearly, and most irrationally circularly, for Guru Uygur and TYTers, to believe in God, He needs to be someone who believes just like themselves... -so in effect, they claim themselves to be God, and so He has no right to judge, condemn and punish what they themselves think is righteous..What a stupid standard....The Creation telling their Creator how they should have been created and how they should be allowed to live... L-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y #Satanic because that is what his “Great Controversy” rebellion against God and His Laws is all about...and you all are Satan’s latest converts to that futile side....
            God supports a culture of life and thriving life.....Satan and you all want a culture of suffering, sickness, misery and death....as long as you feel happy of having done what you yourself wanted to do....Like God told Satan: get your own Universe first.....           

-Hey...Find an Atheist Pre-School for your daughter....oh yeah, You all atheists don’t care to do such social programs like Christians do. She probably prays (to [“Sky”] God”...in “Jesus’ name”) each day with them before he meals....

“YESSS!!!!” Jesus Himself (e.g. Matt 25:45-46) will come back to Capitally Punish heathens like you all who actively murder and/or tell other to murder over 65,000,000 babies per year... (Rev 9:20-21)... -and actually right alongside these “Babylonian”/SundayKeeping/Capitalist/“Left Behind”; “HQ/Kingdom of Satan (Rev 13:11-19) Anti-Christ ilk that you are railing against (Rev 14:9-11; 18:23-24)), who (both alike) are variously promoting and living out a culture of deathly-selfishness & murderous-death & Pro-Sinful-Life (Rev 21:12-15)....now that’s wayyyy beyond “offensive” #DIVINE-AVENGING-JUSTICE!!! #AboutTime #Can’tWait

“CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE”...But unborn “fetuses” are!!!! ...Like the stupid hypocrite that you are...let’s see you rail against people who don’t agree with the Roe vs. Wade decision with you claiming that: ‘SCOTUS decision are the law of the land”

Please.....How irrelevant...If “neuroscience has proven that teenagers are “adult-toddlers”’...then why hasn’t all teenagers “helplessly done this “deoderant challenge”..Just take individual responsibility for your volitional/ignorant dumb decisions/actions...and stop try to blame “neuro-chemicals”...Some “adult-toddlers” teenager do/discover/invent things that adults never do...
no kidding Jerusalem is a God-forsaken city, God long moved on to Christianity (e.g. Matt 23:37-39) and the Heavenly New Jerusalem (e.g. Heb 12:22); Islam is God’s-purposefully-allowed* a Satanic delusion (=Rev 9:1-11) to physically deal with “Left Behind” (=Futurist-Dispensationalists) “Christians” who are just Spiritual/Biblical/Prophecy illiterate morons&novices**... #FactualTruth     ...and the only “right” that Israel has to that land is, like the Native Indians...and any other country, the right to defend it....if they can....            

...As Jesus Himself (also) said, (including to miracle workers): ‘so close indeed....but so [variously “lawlessly”/unrighteously] far gone’ (Matt 5:17-20ff; 7:13-14, 21-23; Matt 25:41-46; cf. Rev 16:13-16)

-and FYI: a “Christian” Cult is any sectarian/denominational group which have placed a human authority over God/Jesus/the Bible*...indeed such as is the Roman Catholic’s Priesthood/Papacy, as they amply “boastfully/arrogantly” profess themselves**

....Just get, even basically informed before you go on your self-important/self-righteous rants against Christianity...but of course, that would self-defeat your guileful, hoodwinking purposes (=John 8:44)..You do realize that you are only fooling your more ignorant sheeple....

...well, as Jesus Himself also said: ‘Well, you *thought* wrong’ (Matt 10:34-36|Luke12:51-53; e.g. Rev 6:3-4)...What Jesus stipulates is that ‘this vengeance is His to effectuate’ (Rom 12:19; Heb 10:30; cf. Isa 61:1-2=Luke 4:18-20|||21:22)
            -So just give up trying to self-servingly patronize Jesus, when convenient/opportunistic, to merely serve your deceptive/private purposes (ala. John 3:1-15, 16-21)....He’s not your “humanism” homie....
            ...Completely contrary to Him, “The Way The Truth and The Life” (John 14:6; cf. 10:10), everything you advocate&practices fosters, in some sure way, a culture of selfishness and death, either immediately or ensuingly....

...and: Evangelicals care nothing about “Missouri”...it is the Mormon Cult which does....get your ranting defamatory facts straight...but hey, your biasedly-impressionable mobbish sheeple rabble won’t (bother to) know any truer...

You all quack-“scientist” atheists are the one who are responsible for suicides of LGBTQ+ by having fed them that moronic lie that “they were born this way”...So it is only when they realize that this is a lie [e.g. much more ex-LGBTQ than LGBTQ], but, as per your additional lies, they can’t/shouldn’t change...and then you also say that the only (Super-Natural) Person/Power that has, and can, change them actually does not exist, then they see no other choice but to kill themselves....Or even when they do believe in God, then your lingering lie {as also perpetuated by Liberal (so-called) Christians....and, "of course", the professionally-double-talking* Chameleon (=GC 571.1-2), "Pope" "Francis"**}, that: “they/{God} were born {created them} this way” leads them to just give up and ‘let God sort them out’ in the afterlife.....

            ...True science will reveal that, just like an infant learning to speak, and in a particularly language, and in a particular accent, and also in a particular manner, is all done most subliminally when they are infants, an infants brain can be subliminally affected by outer stimuli, sexual preference and/or gender identity can, and is, psychologically affect then. #Science
            As Jesus said, only the T-r-u-t-h will set people free (John 1:14; 14:6; 8:32, 34, 36)...i.e. from the destructivity of Satan’s selfish vexatious humans-dooming plan/worldview: sin (Gen 3:1-5ff||John 8:44) = ‘the violation of God’s Moral&Natural&Social&Health Laws’ (1 John 3:4; Rom 1:18-2:16; James 2:1-10-12-13; Exod 15:26)

P.S. #unNatural #unHealthy #unHappy=#un“Gay” #unProductive #unSafe
The SECULAR case AGAINST homosexuality.
You people are “quack/pseudo “scientists” indeed...and most desperate ones...to try to find a “it’s not my fault” excuse: Hearing yanny or laurel has nothing to do with the opinions and views one forms just modulate that frequency and people will hear the opposite...But the fact that you all so adamantly believe that quack science take does show that you do have a circularly scienceless take on scientific things...The truth is, you are were so desperate to claim that excuse for your volitional choices....
            And I actually, alternatingly, hear both...so I know there’s no hard fact in this..
            ...But it still is true, you all atheists have not experiences God’s Supernatural Acts and Spirit...So you actually are in the “dark” compared to believers who are in the “Light” (e.g. John3:17-21), but its not a science thing, it’s a “Spirit Thing”*...

“There are two kinds of people in the world”: Children of Light and Children of Darkness. Only by (Honest) Faith does one cross over into the Light...

Plus, by your own psuedo-science conclusion...you can’t get upset at anyone who does view anything like you all do..it’s “(so-called) science”. So don’t complain when more “yanny” people (since you guys are “laurels”)  are in power and pass “yanny” laws...because they are “harwired” to see things that way, and more of them are in power than you all “#Democracy
            Not much surprises me from you all, but it is really sad that you really believe you pseudo-science here...You people are really desperate to find an excuse for your worldview...

The “Acceptance & Morality” of the Extreme Left
Guru Cenk “...I started Justice Democrats”...Which reminded me that he got kick out for things he said/wrote over 10-15 years ago, when we was on politically Right..so before he “converted” to the Left and even the extreme Left a.k.a. Progressivism...So that all means, if Justice Democrat became a political force and could elect a president, Cenk would not be allowed to be a POTUS candidate, nor for any other public office of that party....
            Well isn’t that all quite unlike God and Christianity, where God/Jesus say, and does, forgive people for their past “sins”, especially before they converted to His Way, and even sins that may be committed after they converted...and even let these people be leaders in His Cause. E.g. the Apostle Paul who used to, before he became a Christian, persecute and kill Christians.
            That’s the thing with the morality of Progressives...it is unforgiving...as it is “humanistically” based on themselves...so if someone is not as “pure” as they are (i.e. never (were caught/documented) saying something against their values), then they must be “cut off”...That’s how the French Revolution “morality” worked...and tens of thousands of people got their heads literally “cut off”...

P.S. It is patently comical to see heathens (aka. Atheists/Agnostics/Skeptics/AntiTheists) scoff at the concept of the (generous) Mercy of God (to those who are sincerely repenting...until they find out what the due/warranted “unmerciful” exaction of His Justice will be all about given his sinless-obedience-perfection requirement (which only this Planet has failed to have)...I.e. “Hell”, -See in any street witnessing film by Ray Comfort: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF7A795CE0A9857FE

..and you’re always wrong...but, of course, you don’t care....because you’re a God-Damned Murderer and Liar (=John 8:44)!!!!..and an indifferent idiot...same difference....

...well, well, well...Ana believes in: ““demons””....

...Fake and/or Lying News!!! There is not ‘darker skin color enslavement’ mandate in the Bible*...Only limited indentured servitude [=today: “wages garnishment”] and/or conquered foreigner economic burden servicing [=today: ‘war reparation, among other foreign tariffs’] ....And sounds like, at least some, of those judges on the Supreme Court are Biblically illiterate to think that racial slavery (=American Slavery) is justified in/by the Bible.

            The telling, patent&purposeful “dishonest” =guileful thing about you/you all and your clear non-objective bias against the Bible is that, unlike with anything else that you cover on you commentary shows, when it comes to the Bible you just swallow every stupid thing you hear, -or you think you heard,* which you want to agree it and just regurgitate it to your sheeple without doing any “triple sourcing/checking with reputable sources”, -which in this case would be Bible Scholars and you Yahoo Biblically illiterates fools out there. You all are FOX NEWS/“Donald Trump Jr.” on the Extreme Left. Ergo: “When it comes to Bible things, you all just don’t know what you are talking about”...which is why you repeat any stupid thing you hear and moronically only determine if it is true by whether or not it supports/furthers your anti-theist/Bible/secular worldview.....Just be honest and admit/concede this....and do way better if you are even remote objective/sincere/honest as you fancy yourselves to be...Just stop guilefully**, or just stupidly, pretending that you are treating the Bible or Christianity “fairly” with you moronic tropes....because ya ain’t.....

* Case in point, you are here probably, most moronically, airheadedly going by the same Biblically illiterate reverse-engineering “logic” of those greedy, lazy, idiotic and racist U.S. Southerners/slaveowners who claimed:

-Ham was cursed to be a slave [actually his son Canaan {=ancestor of the later “Sodomites”} was]
-Ham descendants populated Africa [it was not Canaan’s descendant who went to Africa]
-Africans are dark skinned; ergo Ham descendants are dark-skinned [dark skin does not determine ancestry...Northern Africans and Egyptians [=Mizraim’s descendants Gen 10:13] are also descendants of Ham...but not Canaan]
=dark-skinned people are to be enslaved by non-dark-skinned people!!!!! [only descendants of Canaan [Gen 10:15-20] = long gone “Canaanites” [cf. Exod 33:2] were Biblically to be enslaved [Deut 20:10-17]]

** You most manifestly deliberately, “guilefully”, fudge the (erroneous) “sincerely-held”-“belief” of Christian people about the Bible, with what the Bible actually says, as sort of a “gotcha game” as in ‘I know that not what the Bible actually says, but Christians believe it does....so gotcha....I’m not going to correct y’all.....Or, you are just that stupid/Biblical indifferent&illiterate...
            The “Curse of Ham = Racial/African Slavery”* thing is not, nor has never been true. It was just the false justification of likewise to you all, Biblically moronic and illiterate, slaveowners in American Slavery days. Neither Cain did not get darker skin because he was cursed by God. It was Ham’s son Canaan who was pointedly curse for Ham (Gen 9:24-27; 10:6), and that curse fell on the “Canaanites” who the descendants of Shem (=Semites e.g. Israelites) went on to later indeed enslave when they took over the Land of Canaan.**


            And, as a (Scholarly) Biblist and Theist, I know that the solution is not claiming that “everyone has a different belief from the Bible, but to objectively = exegetically establish what the only Biblical Truth is.

LOL...Even when you try to be “Biblical” (now that it conveniently helps you lib cause), you show that you are Biblically ignorant&illiterate... Why can’t you just admit that you know nothing cogent about the Bible...just disjointed bits and pieces of prooftext here and there which are patently taken out of the their context to not meant what they actually meant in their either immediate or wider theological context.. Despite you needful smugness...You are a Bible ignoramus...just face it...just say it...your Atheistic/Agnostic sheeple will forgive you....Nothing worst than someone, like you, who is so stupid, he had no clue how stupid and ignorant he is....Or probably there is something worse: someone, like you, who desperately cannot even admit to himself how stupid and ignorant he is...
            ::The GOVERNMENT* was going to release Jesus after having tried him saying: “I find nothing wrong with this man”...and even after Jesus openly declared to Pilate that He was a (Heavenly) king (John 18:33-39; 19:4, 6, 12a) Jesus was only executed because the mob Jewish people insisted on him to be executed claiming religious violations (John 18:39; 19:7, 12b-16) #READTHEBIBLE
            *Rom 13:1-7 the “GOVERNMENT” was the [solely capitally-punishing] (Civil) (Roman) State...not the (Religious) (Judea) Nation-Church.... -(just like the e.g. Southern Baptist Convention is not the (U.S.) Government) #EXEGETETHEBIBLE

+God did not drown the whole world “because He got pissed off”. They were murderously violent and infectiously sickly evil...Even you all would ask that such people today be quarantined and locked up for life..then capitally killed when there was no more room in prison and all your taxes was going to pay for building more prisons..Plus God gave them 120 years to repent and they refused.... #BIBLE

[04:10] ...you don’t have to be a “Biblical Scholar” [LOL] to know Mark 9:42 ...just Google it “journalist”..... Bible-Scholar Google will make sense of you vague recollection of what the exact text quote is.... And since America also murder millions of infants per year, that is will it too will be thrown as a millstone to the bottom of the sea (Rev 18:21-24) I.e. (Interpreting the symbology:) it will be humbled by God and thrown down with violence to become the bottom of all nations on Earth...never, like Ancient Babylon, to rise again....

...you don’t live in a democracy....you live in a republic.... Ergo: populace polls aren’t suppose to mean, let alone determine, anything...The only poll that counts in a [deliberately Constitutionally crafted/established/ordained] republic is the voting poll..Disabuse your smugness and learn the difference....You want a “democracy”...go back to the “mob rule” days of ancient Greece which History quickly learned to never do again....

It is permissible to deceive and lie in order to prevent murder and save life.... “Sorry” you did’t murder that baby.... boooohooooo......LOL #All’sFairInWAR!

When you’re that stupid, it’s wiser to just leave you to your desperate folly...(Psa 26:4) LOL!!! Enjoy!!! Talk about “being too invested in your false belief/claims & liar-identity” & “believing the lies of others”...Projection much?!!!! Invest in Biblical exegesis instead..LOL....#Idiot
            But you are unwittingly (of course) right on btw: God is not Pro-Life...he is Pro-Innocent/Righteous Life... Off with the rest of the lot of Unrighteous and Resolutely Guilty people...Ever read up on what Hell will be all about!!!!

...nice, hoodwinking, gullible, try.. “Genesis 1:12 KJV” doesn’t says no such thing...not even close...let alone “hemp”... #GuilefulLiarsLyingtoCluelessGullibleLiars #READTHEBIBLE
..ingest poison ivy while you’re at it....if you want to insist that God purposed/intended a “naturally” haywire/“bad” plant (Gen 1:12b; Matt 13:27-28) #MindlessIdioticMorons

ROTF-LOL!!!! I love it how you all love, -actually need -(since you fundamentally need to be “victims of Christians/Religious People”), to get triggered by your own guileful “God-Damned” lying:

(1) That guy never said he was a Christian, nor that he was against abortion because of (his) Christian beliefs...but that is what you all need to manufacture. E.g. Greg Gutfeld is a [bandwagon&ratings-whore] Trump supporter and is against abortion, and he is (as far as he’s expressed) not a Christian/Bible believer....That guy clearly explained that he is against abortion because he (rightly scientifically) sees that aborted fetus have/are life (e.g. a beating heart)...no mention at all, as you all lied to your gullible sheeple about, of: ‘because the Bible says so’...

(2) Again, that Trump supporter never said he was Christian, so him being for the death penalty (which most logically/sensically can’t be equivalent to abortion since babies do not, -as you all irrationally posit: (e.g.) “murder people”), is not here “because the Bible/OT said so”....
Furthermore, Jesus did not do away with Capital Punishment: READ THE BIBLE (John 8:7)..He just emphasized the OT requirement that people who were to be involved in accusing someone else and also executing capital punishment on someone else had to be sinless themselves...Well those people accusing that woman were not, as Jesus pointed out by (evidently) writing out their sins -‘from oldest to youngest’, in the sand.  “UNDERSTAND” THE BIBLE!!!!                  
            Jesus also knew then that the Jews had no power of Capital Punishment as they were subject to Roman Rule. Only in an actually Christian & Righteous Nation can OLD Civic Law of Capital Punishment become applicable.                       

(3) LOL...Keep believing your ignoramus lie about Number 5:11-31...since you “need to” to self-manufacture outrage....
            If a pregnant eats a handful of dirt, she won’t miscarry....let alone drink (holy) water with a little (diluted) dust from the (sanctuary’s) floor...Ain’t nothing “toxic” being done here...only something “Supernatural” and the consequence is not a miscarriage (as liberal translation have wrongly translated) but a future incapability of that adulterous woman from ever having children...and being physically reverted to a pre-purberty state with her “priorly widened hips having here “fallen” and her stomach having become swollen.....READ THE BIBLE!!!!

-LOL Just to point out how desperately stupid you all are...So let’s suppose the “holy water with a little dust” drink is “toxic”.. Then how is that suppose to be a determining “test” if it is suppose to “toxically” produce a miscarriage by any woman who drinks it #Idiot
            In fact, since, as the Bible says, humans are made up of the dust of the ground (Gen 2:7; 3:19; Psa 103:14), then ingesting a “little dust diluted in water” while pregnant is more opposite of “toxic”, and actually “nutritive” to the developing fetus.... That’s God being ironic, btw....

That's an New International Version (NIV) (erroneous) mistranslation*.... 95% of other English Bible Translations accurately do not render the Hebrew as "miscarry". [Look it up in BibleGateway] What's so hard to understand...Talk about ‘misleading followers".... Newsflash Cenk/TYT: The Bible was not written in English...and Bible Translators are neither perfect nor infallible...Only a resolute guileful liar can't comprehend that.... -Reminds me of Matt 4:3, 5-6, 8-9 ...I “wonder” why??...  (Oh right: John 8:44!)

* Personal Research Thesis: Given all of the pivotal errors in the NIV, it probably is a (deeply-laid) Atheist’s/Liberal’s plot to try to subvert Christianity.

Just admit that you are either a (deluded) idiot and/or a Satanic murderous liar....
            Gotto love the (demonic) frothing-pudgy-bully countenance that you suddenly transform in whenever you once against set out to try to deceive your sheeple with this pet lie of yours....LOL...I am still undecided if it is out of your pathetic attempt/effort to achieve a convincing poker face, or just your innate revulsion oozing out of you just at your thought of thinking to be God’s Preacher/Prophet here*....Save yourself the agonizing mental anguish...Your just indeed being Satan’s (favorite) sock-puppet...Just *breathe*...The “Bible-Believers” you are trying to deceive (a) aren’t so fool easily fooled (i.e./e.g. that is why they know to reject the NIV); (b) don’t care what you self-deludedly think you know about God and the Bible...

* Then again, it is demon-possessed people who foam at the mouth...while gritting their teeth and becoming stiffs (e.g. Matt 9:18)
            You are just like Drumpf: When admitting that you are wrong is “existential”, i.e., to your pathetic atheist life, you’d rather die lying..... “Knock yourself out”...literally...At least have the decency to not take others, including the unborn, down with you....

Next time...-because there surely will be a next time with you- given your shameless worthless lying character; try setting out the reason why the NIV rendering in Num 5:11-31 is correct versus 30+ other English Bible translations/versions....If you dare....

Because I have exegetically studied out this passage in the underlying Biblical Hebrew....I have long posted that study on my blog but I can't post url links in the comments here: So instead do a google search for the NJK Project's "Theological Views Blog" and see in its Abortion Abortion post from its TOC Index see in its "Answer to Certain “anti-abortion Scriptural” Objections" for those exegetical details. [If you still can't locate it, send me a private message and I'll PM/email you the direct link]

Deluded Guru Cenk pretends he has never read those correcting details, so he can keep Satanically, murderously,  guilefully lying to his gullible sheeple. (=John 8:44) ...Sheepishly follow that wolf at your own (eternal) peril...

Obviously you are jumping to uninformed conclusions about me...First of all, I care nothing about "Dognald Jerk Drumpf" nor support any of his idiotic policies, including this evil one of (terroristically) separating children from their parents. Some strong and costly lawsuits against the US by those parents and children who suffered this unlawful distress should motivate his administration to get the 100+ still separated children back to their parents. ...And still  this is not the same as the fatal harm done by aborting and unborn child....

...or: “Unfiltered with S.E. Cupp”...You sickly-self-important eggheads....

LOL...Keeping on claiming that ‘Christians are against homosexuality because of a law in Leviticus’ self-demonstrates that you don’t begin to know any valid thing about the (Christian) Bible...{And clearly no one in your smug “blissful” “bubble” knows any better... ...hence why you are their revered “one-eyed-king” -Matt 15:14}...Why not also harass Christians for not offering ‘a daily lamb sacrifice’?!!....You should have “studied” the NT (e.g. 1 Cor 6:9-11; 1 Tim 1:10; Jude 7;  Rev 22:15) instead if you want to oppose -Christianity-....

Q: ‘Why would you quote the Bible if you do not believe in it?’
Cenk: “Because I studied it”

-Talk about a non-sequitur, and tellingly defensive, response....

Telling how you dare not harass an actual Christian Bible Scholar...I dare you to debate these topics with....let’s see... John MacArthur of the Grace to You Ministry....instead of these “low hanging fruits”..Of course, it is because people who've actually studied, and so "comprehendngly know their Bible are, exposingly, way out of your league...? #SmugCluelessBlissfulIdiot #JustLikeTrump

Thy Word Is Truth Ministries
Cenk didn't bring up the Bible, the idiot did. Can you answer the shrimp question?

The simple answer of/from most Christians is that they [honestly] do not see that Old Testament/Covenant (=OT) Dietary Laws are binding on them in the New Testament/Covenant (=NT). They see them as being as non-applicable as OT Laws on Sacrifices, and Israel’s National/Civil Laws. Cenk (presumably) doesn’t know that, so he assumes that all Christians believe that all OT laws are still applicable to them....And Cenk also does not seem to know NT passages like 1 Cor 6:9-11; 1 Tim 1:10; Jude 7; Rev 22:15. So he keeps trying to merely claim the laws of Leviticus.

The actual Biblical case about clean and unclean meats is that it is a distinction that was present long before Israel was form. Noah already knew, before the flood, about clean and unclean animals (Gen 7:2). And the reason why God instructed him to take 7 each of the clean animals and only 2 of the unclean, is because God knew that after the Flood, when every vegetation on Earth would be destroyed, mankind would have to eat animal in order to survive (Gen 9:3-4). So there needed to be an extra “stock” of these clean animals.

Then in the New Covenant, if Christians are to “eat, drink to the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31) then it is Biblical to find the proper principles for doing this from the Laws on Diet and Drink in the OT.
-Drinking itself includes whether or not to drink ‘fermented grape juice’ = “wine” =alcohol. The basic Biblical principle is clear on this: e.g. Pro 20:1; 23:31 + Eph 5:18; and exegetical+scholarly studies* on NT admonitions in passages like 1 Thess 5:6, 8; 1 Pet 1:13; 4:7; 5:8 show that the word rendered as ‘be sober’, from the Greek nephos actually speak of “(literally) not drinking fermented drinks” i.e. ‘being abstinent from wine.’

* To read such a deeper study. Google Samuele Bacchiocchi, Wine in the Bible in the scribd website.

I agree! The Christian’s judging jurisdiction is limited the/their Church/Denomination and also not unto non-Believers...(That’s where and how the Medieval Church really went off course when they even used military force to make others comply with their (actually unBiblical) beliefs.)...However, Christians are still mandated to evangelize and that involves telling non-Christians, and also Christians of other beliefs, if/when they are Biblically wrong. (e.g. Acts 17:16-31)
1 Thess 4.11 does not mean this engaging of others outside one’s faith should not be done.

            What Jesus said about children: ‘You’d better drown yourself where I’ll never find you if you just prevent these children from learning about me and believe in me’ (Matt 18:6-7|Mark 9:42|Luke 17:1-2)... {hmmm...just like you slithering heathens are targetedly doing with the young teenage minds out there with, indeed as here, your patent, negligently&indifferently ignoramus, guileful lies and misrepresentations about the Bible and Christianity...} ...So how much more if you abort little ones.. ...In fact that is why your “Democratic” Babylon is pointedly judged and destroyed n the end (Rev 18:21)
            The NT also instructs women to be subject/submissive/obedient the their husbands as they are submissive/obedient to the will of God...which is against abortion... (e.g. Eph 5:22-32)... #MindYourOwnParty
The gross stupidity of your “philosophying” is so fathomless that it is most telling that it clearly does not even begin to occur to you how stupid it is = you are...There is no such thing as a “Conservative” vs. “Liberal” mind...everyone just obeys and defers to what they “believe” in. There are atheists who are “conservative” and Christians who are “liberal” because, for these Christians, they believe that God believes just like them in regards to things that ‘conservative” Christian opposingly believe that God beleives E.g. abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, socialism vs. capitalism etc. All you are trying to do is try to validate your false belief that People are naturally “evolutionally” wired as conservatives or liberal. You atheistically/permissively are what you shamelessly are because you don’t believe in God...not because you are wired, or have been re-wired (lol), liberally. Now if you actually believed in God, then you would “fear God” and so seek to do what He accepts as good and righteous. It is as simple as that....
-By the way, completely “unwire” yourself by stopping to mention “God” (e.g. your air-headed, ironically enough: “I swear to God” you would feel better if you become liberal (=don’t believe in God)”....and stop saying, or even celebrating Christ-mas....invent your own holy-days E.g. Monkeymas to celebrate your (supposed) origins.... Newsflash that Human-incarnated “Christ” has fundamentally said the exact opposite of what you are trying to make stick: John 8:31-32, 34-38, 44...So stop smugly trying to self-importantly patronize Him...It will just compound your fate in His Final Judgement of you.
            ...And tellingly how hypocritical of you all and showing how you all don’t have a rational, let alone scientific worldview...If as per your whimsical claim, Conservative’s brains are “evolutionally”wired to be fearful...They how would it be wrong for them to live out this “fearful” programming.. You all go ape nuts when it comes to defending people who claim that they were wired to not be/act like their bodily sex, but now are blaming Conservative people because they are acting ‘the way they were born’...
            ....But you are actually, theologically on to something, there are literally indeed two kinds of people in this world, and they are even split between people who God has implanted this Godly fearfulness and them.... and people who he has allowed Satan to implant his Godless worldview (=Gen 3:15)..Hence why you all fall under Jesus’ John 8:44 indication.....

Why in the world should people “just let it go and move on” from talking about being forced to refer to someone else in the (contra-natural, non-scientific) way that those other people believe that they should be refer as....they are being forced to refer to someone else in the (contra-natural, non-scientific) way that those other people believe that they should be refer as....
No wonder you all love saying “Christ-mas”. You think you are being conciliant in this name calling preference “culture war”...

Aida herself is TYT’s “one-eyed queen”...Hope (unrepentful) you like the “heat”.... (Heb 10:26-27)

Oh Paleassses already....Stop trying to make yourself seem so magnanimous, intelligent and important...Do you really think/believe that Russian Intelligence do not know ‘what that lone American translator in Hamburg had for breakfast yesterday...and where...’ i.e. I case your are to slow to figure it out:..so they can “sprinkle” it...with plutonium seasoning...whenever they would deem it as “nationally necessary”...’ ....If so, then you are indeed really stupid...hence why you need to, as usual, fool your sheeple with all of that vacuous hot air....Get over your unimportant self already...

-Ana confesses/realizes that ‘people who are (Bible-following) Christians (i.e. Matt 5:38-42; Rom 12:19-21; ) are better people than her’*...but then the dark side pulls her back in**

Here is the patent subjectivism of humanists like Ana: They judge what is right or wrong based on how it personally relates to them: So Kim Kardashian was “bad” because she made her money by awhoringly exploiting her nakedness, while Ana has had to be doing the slave-working, and Cardi B is “bad” when she makes money from singing about “making money move”, “what does that even mean???”, -said Ana then, but then Ana got a long term contract, a promotion and a raise so KimK and Cardi B are “good”....

LOL....DO teach the Bible, even ‘about the Bible in the public School System as long as they don’t let Biblically-illiterate, Theologically-ignoramus, exegetically-incompetent, Dunning–Kruger effect, smug hacks like you all do it....
-Case in Point, from “Ana’s Personal Faves”:

Ezek 23:20 - Ohhh.. Ezek 23:1-4 clearly states that this is an allegorical/parabolic passage...so it is not being literalistic, but “poetic”, even when exaggeratingly so, to make a point...So Ezek 23:20, which is (LOL #1, speaking of “Context”) speaking of the ‘more corrupt sinning of Jerusalem vs. Samaria’ (Ezek 23:11ff), is allegorically speaking of how the People of Judah and Jerusalem acted in going back to the paganistic practices of the Egyptians where they had come from, who indeed literally practiced bestiality”...So good on the Bible to warningly, explicitly, show just how debased even a people of God can get, and long to get... ...But of course you juvenile novices are desperately idiotic enough to think that every/any-thing stated in the Bible is a prescription, and not a candid, journalistic description...
            And btw, that is why certain, especially explicitly “descriptive”, parts of the Bible are “skipped” when read/taught to under age children...and Bible-Believers are actually even left to find out/read those parts on their own reading...So thanks for making our point...Sex Ed. should be that opt-ional and a personal inquiry....Especially since, pretty soon, you all whimsical “humanists” will be advocating bestiality as part of human sexuality because some people will be identifying as (outright) animals, e.g. cats or dogs or....“horses”....
Deuteronomy 28:30-31, 35 - Wait, God is just clearly warning, as part of the “Consequences of Disobedience” (Deut 28:15-68) His People what will happen to them if they become sinful and corrupt and so choose to no longer be under His rule or protection and what their enemies, i.e. pagans like you all, will then do to them...Why should God impose Himself on people who are refusing to obey His Laws....God invented “Freedom of Choice”. God also does not have to waste His resources sponsoring people who do not want to obey Him. And as any Good Libertarian would say, as opposed to you babyish bleeding heart liberals who want everyone to be responsible for your messes: ‘With Freedom&Choice comes Responsibility&Consequences’ ... Grow Up “Adults” Children.... “Dunning–Kruger effect” indeed...you childish brats think you are the “adults”.....
Deuteronomy 28:35 - God had done so many miracles to supernaturally help His People to be victorious over larger and mightier peoples/armies, including striking the Egyptians with boils (Exod 9:8-17), why can’t He now, most fairly, “get/take His money back” when His own people act just as bad, or even worse, than those heathens which He had smitten with plagues.
            ...And look at (LOL #2, speaking of:) History: Israel&Judah did suffer these disasters when they became unfaithful....
Leviticus 15:19-20 - Ohh “what a meanie God”...In those days of very rudimentary cleanliness, He wanted to instill in His People that they had to be even more than clean, but Holy (=Deut 23:14)....Menstruation then was not as medically controlled and hygienically dealt with as today, so it could indeed have been a real “mess” in those days...And diseases is spread through blood, and other emissions, and God does likewise speak about “male emissions” (Lev 15:16-17, 18, 32; Deut 23:10-11 -but you need to ignore that to imply your hysterical “Bible Sexism” accusations) and camp “bathroom breaks” hygiene (Deut 23:12-14)...So good also on God for teaching sterile cleanliness back then....Modern Medical Science was literally saved when Bible-fearing Believers began practicing some of the counsels stated in the Bible*...That could have prevented the Bubonic Plague outbreak...not to mention you all heathens’ HIV and AIDS epidemic....So...You’re Welcome!!!

            [BTW, Still waiting to see/hear about the first Atheist Medical Center/Hospital/Clinic (i.e. as compared thousands of such private facilities and institutions founded, owned and/or operated run by Theists/Christians....And you all heathens can also thank Theists/Christians for (Public) Education....at all levels: from Grade Schools through Universities...

LOL You all most desperately cannot retire your debunked and vacuous “gays vs. shrimp” trope straw man claim/argument...Now claiming that “it’s the Fundies fault”....Here is a little Theological Education for you..Since Homosexual relations are (clearly & copious) also proscribed in the (Christian’s) New Testament/Covenant (as stated before: in e.g. 1 Cor 6:9-11; 1 Tim 1:10; Jude 7; Rev 22:15 + Rom 1:26-27), then it is perfectly valid to also cite to OT Law upon which this is based (i.e. Lev 18:22; 20:13), as that, especially Moral law, is clearly also in effect in the NT. So stop acting like whining brats and make yourself Theologically-competent, even basically aware, if you are going to try to malign Christians and Bible Believers...
-BTW a True/Biblical Christian is not according to your “acceptable/hireable” Brooke Thomas vapid/ambivalent mold.

...I would say/counsel: Just stop embarrassing yourselves already”....But do carry on being naturally dumb...Your equally simplistic sheeple morons-audience love and need you to be so....
BTW: “Teaching the Bible” in Public School would put you all ignorants out of business....

-BTW tell “Killer Mike” to go invent his own Bible if he wants Black People to be the characters, instead of the historical reality of Middle Eastern/Jewish People.... #Reverse(Fantasy)Racist

-Quite revealing how you all, including here “Killer Mike”, patently need to pivot to your straw man claims in order to try to fake-salvage a “win” in your otherwise realistically bankrupt arguments and claims....

...Actually: Just Shut Up already, until you are willing and capable of being (educated/competent) grown ups

(A) ...the Bible does say to judge...righteously and (A1) speaking of judging...why do you look at a Bible Believer and “judge” that ‘they must be fornicating....Case in point: Unlike that homosexual-practicing couple seeking a gay marriage licence, Kim Davis probably had completely repented of her past adulterous/fornicative matters, if that was even the applicable case....

(B) ...if you all heathens were not preaching that ‘evil is good’ and ‘good is evil’, i.e. that ‘homosexuality is good’, then Christians would not be so equally vocal in preaching against it. E.g even you depraved minds preach that murder lying is wrong (except of course when you need to get away with something) ...hence why you are not getting that same level of opposing preaching from Bible Believers.

(C) For the Bible-knowledge/wits of me, I cannot figure out why you all keeping trying to “own/“pawn” the Bible Believer, with that sophomoronic argument that ‘they eat clams &shrimp’..... Most Christians who eat meats which Leviticus 11* & Deuteronomy 14:1-21 identify as “unclean” are quite genuinely sincerely convinced that New Testament passages like Matt 15:10-11; Acts 10:9-16; Rom 14:14; 1 Cor 10:25-27; 1 Tim 4:4-5; Titus 1:15 have exempted them for the OT dietary laws...and as the NT says: Rom 4:13..But ‘you so mooslim’, that could never begin to get through your madrasa-plastified brain..

* So which is not a passage that is “just above Lev 18:22; 20:13' (LOL)...but 228 verses (over 7 chapters) before it.... #focus
            ....Meanwhile, those sincere Christians just shake their heads and ignore what they are more validly convinced is your gross ignorance....
            ...But while you are that obtuse about OT laws, for indeed “the Bible-knowledge/wits of me”, why don’t you instead appeal to OT Laws in Leviticus in your fool’s errand efforts to try to “own/pawn the Bible Believer” such as in Leviticus 5...With those Laws, you could/would “own” all Christians, since none of them are making animal sacrifices....And you can even own the “Hebrew Roots”-type denomination of Christians for only partly following the (“closer”) Laws in Leviticus 16-17 and 23... ...but my informed-awareness is that you think that, as always, your lying con about unclean meats will be more successful, as you are convinced that (most) Christians really are trying to disobey OT dietary laws....Fact is, they know less about why they are not observing those Laws because it never began to be an issue in their Sunday School classes...in fact, infinitely way much less than ‘why they don’t offer animal sacrifices as Jews were required to do in the OT’...But keep up your ignorance....clearly you need that to remain blissful

I call guile, or plain B.S*... Are you sure, AIDA, it is SDAs who “trampled your Uncle to death??..and for being gay???...[Quarter-baked SDAs like yourself at best....]Moreover in Miami???...And you told the Police and they didn’t do anything about it...Or did they not see any evidence of a, moreover hate murder?????? That story is way too non-sensical....But it mqakes for great TYT propoganda...And they won’t dare question you....Their “one-eyed-(ex-SDA-Fundie)-queen”.... #GuilefulB.S.

* Based on these (endorsed) TYT veracity “standards”:

LOL, indeed how in the world does the (Minorities-well-represented) Miami Florida Law Enforcement system & Media don’t begin to bother to care about a ‘Honor, “Hate”, Gang/Group Lynch-Trampling (“Cult”)-Religious Murder’..... #TransparentB.S.
            BTW Aida, you do know that there is no Statute of Limitations on murder...So what are you waiting for....You’ve already here publicly “outed” your “family” members as “hateful murderers”.... #Charge&ProveIt Sounds to me like it would be an easy, even “cold”, case to make...which any detective, prosecutor, especially  today would jump on in order to “get long-delayed justice for” a murdered LGBT+ person.... #PutYourParoleWhereYourInsinuationsAre
Ohhhh....He thinks he is a Bible Scholar and Theologian because he can read an English Version of the Bible #IdioticRetard....But do keep huffing and puffing to try to make this vacuous point...It would however be most fitting if you had a stroke, aneurism or heart-attack while trying to get people to believe your murderous lyingly con!!!!!.... #AbortCenk #DivineJustice Literally: #KnockYoSelfOut
            Btw, you know how to get “the nation to admit that the Bible/God is pro-abortion based on Number 5:21-32...Contact the topmost Christian Preachers and Bible Scholars in America and convince them of how grossly wrong they are about this issue....(They don’t (care to) watch your idiotic and/or ignoramus heathen show...So you’ll have to reach out to them....) Oh right, then you’d be exposed as a snot-nosed pompous moronic brat....Which is why you prefer to keep hoodwinking your gullible sheeple instead... You all are patently such pathetic cowards....

-FYI: the “curse” is that adulterous wife not being able to have children....#retard

-In fact, you can easily self-resolve your “incomprehensible irritation” by reading a more accurate Bible Version for that passage. E.g. the NASB....But of course, you can’t...LOL...You got owned by “Christian” Libs....

LOL...The self-proclaimed Mooslum-brained “Bible Scholar” claims that ‘he understands that Christians are violating “a 1000 other clauses” in the Bible aside from that trope of “not eating shellfish”...Well for starters, as any faithful Old Covenant Jew would tell you, the OT has 613 laws....And most of these, even up to 603 of these, are no longer, especially literalistically, mandatory for NT Christians, -with the ceremonial laws ones being outrightly abolished (Eph 2:15-16)...So wrap you Mooslum brain around that one...The real problem is that you think that God is fashioned according to one’s personal beliefs, so in your Mooslum mind, you cannot “understand” a God who nullifies His prior Covenant, and only retains 10 laws for His New Covenant....Keep trying to con Christians...(and try harder actually)....Just as your lying-murderous father the Devil does (John 8:44)....

HAHAHA!!!! That’s not “science” that just you all moronic pseudo-science of mere wishful theories and hypotheses....especially to try to avoid personal, volitional responsibility. I.e. Your claim does not always make that 2+2=4 as “science” by definition “reproducibly” requires. There are many “free will” factors which easily skew your expected claims.
            And, again, if people with larger amagdylas and more taste receptors on their tongues are “born this way”... -and ‘more seems better’ to me, then why would such Conservative prone people be wrong. They clearly have a more enhanced awareness of dangers through this capability to fear..Unlike you all who (supposedly) do not have such advantages. Ergo Conservative will be able to better guard and protect themselves from dangers while you all Liberals will witlessly just dive head long into them....as long demonstrated in your Free Love and Gay Sex STD and HIV/AIDs debacle.....It is you all who, like infant babies who have no awareness of various dangers, are underdeveloped = your “under evolved”...So in your survival of the fittest scheme, which you all of course need to ignore now, you will easily become victims of those dangers which you have no “fear” of. What you don’t know can and will kill you. So, e.g., keep buttfucking and muffdiving (as well as drugging) yourselves to non-existence*.... {Don’t bury the lead with your diversionary, scapegoating politicizing attempt to find (peripheral) fault with Trumpkins: You buttfucking, “ass-to-mouth” shit-smeared cock-sucking and/or “salad tossing” (=dogs) Sodomites just proudly embraced & heralded that you (illogically) are l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y “not disgusted by shit”**.....***} Which is why you patently need other people to “socialistically” help pay for your various failures and shortcomings...Socialism also does not work when there is a society which is as personally wreckless, irresponsible and undisciplined as you Liberals are....That is why you all make Capitalism necessary so that you all can be “whipped” by being systemically penalized with consequences into a functional form. And, telling enough, you all patently glob back to more conservative views as you get older and your brain finally “evolves” to more “fearful” understandings....from all of those past “painful” experiences...

And also in you all’s whimsical “pseudo-science” scheme: How can there be “underevolved” and “more evolved” humans existing at the very same time??? ....and with you all Liberals without the “larger/bigger/better sensory developments being the under-evolved. You all are a bunch of desperate moronic idiots who cannot even see how substantively and logically stupid what your claims actually are.

*Likewise, as per your evolution scheme: LGBT+ people are not fully, or actually properly, “evolved”, as they, compared to better, or properly, “evolved” heterosexual humans, they cannot reproduce, thus further themselves, So they are a detriment to the “species” as they are not ‘fit to survive’... You all should stop “sinning” again what you claim to believe in....
-And in regards to your claimed “answer” to this problem: Yes, artificial insemination and/or surrogacy is so cheap... FYI you need a 2.1 reproduction rate to “survive”....

**=New/Neo- for of ‘Rom 1:22-23ff human-debasing-idolatry’: Pagans today, likewise “professing to be wise”, i.e. “evolved” say/think: “if (certain) animals, -including “our ape ancestors/cousins”, enjoy, play with, or even eat, their excrements/feces (e.g. dogs)....why shouldn’t we#!!!!” #NoShameInTheirInaneLameGame No wonder Jesus characterizes you all as “dogs” (Rev 22:15)

# e.g. imported from that once likewise deluded self-deemed “master race’s”: “German Porn...

*** Including ‘loving the smell of fresh shit-shards in the morning’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU_Up8oTd7Y&t=15m43s
This matter of “fear vs. stupidity/foolishness” is not a matter of an evolved mind. It is a matter of a conditioned mindset....And as the Bible says: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom”....Indeed God-Believers act way wiser than their present age/time, and thus are able to foresee and so prepare for and avert dangers in the future, by adhering to the wise counsels of God given in the Bible...While you all toddler mindset infant just forge ahead in your costly and disastrous “trial and error”....“pain vs. pleasure” ways...and then you want society to pay for your failings... #Pathetic

For Darwin’s sake: Fuck You!!!!.... You ‘Butt Flesh Mortal’ (Psa 78:39)... God will still (cf. Matt 7:21-23) grill you in Hell (Rev 14:9-11)!!!!

...you meant: “for AntiChrist’s sake” (i.e. your other Satanic buddy)...but you are too carefully ignoramus and idiotic to know or understand that....
....oh right, you are one of those cowardly, scared sh!tless agonistic-in-a-foxhole....come running back to ‘Allah ben Mohammed’ whenever you are at your wit’s end #patheticmoron

CNN ROCKS!!!!! Is your news editing EP a “(professional) journalist”????...or, at best, a Partisan “Progressive” Opinion hack????!...And speaking of the Biased Partisan Hacks, for all of the railing you do against Republicans, Right Wingers and Biblical/Religious/Fundamentalist Christians, how many of any of those-viewed people are hired throughout your Network: ZERO!!! = Smug, Insecure, Ignoramus Cowards!!!!...All because you need to keep your lies bubble intact....

You think you are so smart: God has been prophetically saying in the Bible since ca. 2000 years now, that ‘when fascism will come to a +18th century country (=America), it will indeed be a joining their Church and State’ (Rev 13:11-18)...I.e. led by their Right Wing Citizens...But, being so vitriolically stupidly blind as you are, you only thought it smart to ridicule Ben Carson for this sound prophetic understanding of Seventh Day Adventist.....It is only logical and true if you think you came up with it...Your real issue is all of those demons inside of you who cannot let you begin to admit that Bible Prophecies are proofs that the Bible is inspired.... #Idiots #Immature
            BTW/FYI Bible prophecy also reveals that you all atheists/progressives will also join in this religious fascism, pointedly when a “progressive” Pope-Francis-like Pope takes over the “moral” leadership of this “Millennial Development”, philanthro-capitalist movement...

Of course the “progressive’s” network TYT did not touch/discuss this story...
Nor this one:
You can’t handle the Facts or Truth....

You people are so obtuse and/or self-righteous, it is more than annoying, it is DAMAGING/Counter-productive to the valid cause of Black Lives Matters.

1) So you me to tell people that those cops knew that Stephon Clark was in the back yard of his grandmother....Then why do you keep making that argument??????

2) Stephon Clark was doing aggravated vandalism, and in the property of other people, so the police had justified reason to people that he was a threat, probably trying to break into the homes of other people.

3) It was pitch darkness, so a phone could easily be mistaken as a gun

4) the cops did not shoot Stephon Clark to tickle him...or even to stop him...Cops only shoot to kill. They thought they had to use lethal force here and so, if they still do not know if their target is dead, as they intended him to be when they decided to use lethal force, then why should they effectively risk their lives to now try to save him...They shot at him to kill him, so they have no requirement to no try to save his life, let alone at the risk of their own life.

You people are really insulting to Black people by trying to make this reasonable case of use of lethal force into a case of racist police abuse. Not all black people who are shot by police must be a case of racist police abuse. Stephon Clark had, for whatever reason, put himself in a situation which warranted this response. If it was broad daylight, I may find reason to argue against the use of lethal force, indeed even given the prior vandalism spree of Clark, but the night circumstance here don’t provide that reason, i.e. if the cops could easily see that he had a cell phone in his hand.

The Bible does not even teach that End Times Scenario....But do keep getting mini-strokes over what the Bible does not actually say/teach... #2BirdBrainsOneStone

Why don’t you just realize that not all Democrats share, nor want to have similar “Progressive” views as you...and just move on and form your own independent Political Party...You people are moochers all the way, from your news show which just mooches off the work of actual journalists to your purported political party which is just a mooching caucus...That is why people can’t trust you all with socialism...you’ll mooch yourselves to an unrecoverable Depression....

...I thought TYT did not pre-script or use teleprompters????!!!!

-Cenk patently “boss/man-splains” Ana..I.e: It’s not true/credible/verified until/unless he repeats what Ana had (even just) stated....lol...

So...like what you assuagingly try to claim about Republicans, you too are (of course), not Pro-Life, but Pro-money.... “Save the Earth, don’t let the humans live”’...How about getting rid of (the artificiality of) your money god instead...There are enough resources on this planet to easily take care of hundreds of billions of living people...But you all too are just mush-brained, moronic, Capitalists...Just likewise trying to justify/rationalize your selfish ambitions....It’s your parents who should have chosen to ‘not make their lives miserable”.....

..probably most of the current TYT viewers were not even born before ‘Leon Lett’s 2X emblematic hot-dogging fumble’ 26 years ago in 1993....[I, myself, saw them both live]... but there’s now always Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=leon+lett+super+bowl+fumble

-Gas-lighting Idiot. “Why are YOU, moreover leading, in the dividing of people over political ideology... Haven’t you see all of the war, terrorism, violence and death that political differences have been causing throughout world history!??!!!!....Obviously you only do so because it gives you power (over a TYT “army” nonetheless), and an income....Maybe we should all just think the obvious: “we are humans” and just live our lives by whatever you believe is “true” & “right” way, including murdering unborn children and belief in your “(all-originating) Sky Alien””...
            You all patently need to erect pathetic straw men to push your asinine & vacuous views and solutions on others.

From TYT’s Liar+Idiot-In-Chief: “The Bible is against Capital Punishment....LOL...”Have you read it??????” You can start at Gen 2:17...then Gen 9:5, 6...Num 25:6-17....1 Kgs 19:40...Acts 5:1-11, ... John 11:7 ... Matt 10:34|Luke 12:49-51 ... Luke 19:27... Rev 14:14-20; 19:19-21...etc #WindVaneRetard

LOL...The God of the OT himself, which includes Jesus (e.g. Exod 23:20-23ff) is uber pro-helping those who are in need (e.g. Deut 15:1-11; Isa 58; Zech 7:8-14; Amos 5:21-24) #Biblically-IlliterateBlowhard

Ergo:....I rest my case with you all, and thus save my time for others misguided one who are actually “convertible” and not predestined to suffer God’s Wrath (Matt 10:12-15).... There is such a sin as the “unpardonable sin” (Matt 12:31-32) where not even God’s Spirit can reach/save that seared and Satan-possessed person; indeed: Satan’s own, Free Will choices-entitled, (nefarious) posterity (Gen 3:15; John 8:44; Eph 2:1-3). So then you just have to let such people fulfill their Satanic commission. (E.g. Judas Matt 26:24; John 6:70-71; 13:27-28)
            If you are one who listens to such lying and straw man arguments against God|Jesus, the Bible and Christianity and find true and convincing...then you are probably also a “created vessel of wrath” and thus also beyond hope....except to carry out the demonstrative role that you have been predestined to fulfill. (Eph 5:6-9; Col 3:5-10).

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