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God’s Purposes through Islam

God’s Purposes through/with (Militant) Islam (Rev 9:1-12, 13-21)

            So...in the wake of the, so-hyped9/11-level’ Paris (Nov. 2015) Attacks:[1] Why has God, based from His Promise to Hagar about Ishmael (in Gen 16:10-12; 17:20; 25:12-16, 18), overseeingly allowed Satan (as in 1 Kgs 22:18-23ff) to, -as exegetically expounded and discussed in here, supernaturally form the (also militant) false religion of Islam in ca. 610 AD (=Rev 9:1ff),[2] just as He had similarly allowed Satan to, -as exegetically expounded and discussed in here, theologically and doctrinally seal the willful corruption/apostasy of post-Apostolic/Historical Christianity (=Acts 20:30; 2 Tim 4:1-4; 2 Thess 2:11-12), by, supernaturally starting with Emperor Constantine in 313 AD, (and, ensuingly continued through the Christian “orthodoxy” and adherence enforcements of Emperor Justinian I, and also, -most pertinently here, for the Church’s later Crusades), establish the, (then also militant), prophesied (e.g. 2 Thess 2:3-8ff) AntiChrist-false religion of Roman Catholicism (=Rev 8:10-11)?!!:...

            ....To, -as Divinely done to wayward Ancient Israel (Jdg 6:1-6ff; 7:12): (incrementally) (steadily) remonstrate/sober, humble/humiliate, impede/obstruct, bankrupt/ruin, degrade/deplete, torment/torture, derail/arrest, isolate/recede and ultimately surpass/supercede, first Historical, and now also Eschatological “Babylon” (Rev 18:6ff; ala. e.g. Deut 28:63ff; Jer 25:3-11)  -e.g. Militant Islam’s current: ‘death by 400-600 trillion (borrowed) pennies’ (cf. Pro 22:7) on the U.S.....Or else the world by now (also forcedly so, i.e. at the pains of death (Dan 7:25; 12:7; Rev 13:7-8)) would have been at the very least half (even more; {cf. Rev 3:1-6}) heretically apostate/“Babylonian” Christians, by being Roman Catholics, and that as part of a still thriving “Holy Roman Empire” (including zero (surviving) Protestants)...

            ...These are just the Biblical/Prophetic (::Historical; and now typologically likewise: Eschatological) facts of these matters: Catholics // Capitalists // Americans[3] // Westerners...(Rev 9:4-6). Deal with that!!...

(See more here;  As well as the: Islam Prophecy Movie: Part 1: Fifth Trumpet and Part 2: Sixth Trumpet.” Cf. this webinar; -more protractedly starting here||here; & this cited work) [4]

Isa 30:15|11MR 362.1

P.S. It is typically/patently telling that people so deludedly steeped in apostasy will, in/out of their mere natural perception and human judgement, now knowingly/awarely, here vexatiously choose to not be so ‘humiliatingly corrected by God though this His chosen method/“instrument(s)”’ (e.g. Jer 27; Hab 1:5-11; cf. Jer 50:23; Isa 10:1:6ff|PK 291.3-292.1), but, indeed instead of penitently seeking to eradicate the abominations which God is so chastising them for (e.g. Jer 7), will instead pompously (Rev 18:7b) and defiantly (Matt 27:25; e.g. here) persist in their rebellion against God (e.g. Num 14:40-45; =Rev 9:20-21) as if ‘fighting, and even if, winning, against this chosen means of correction from God would then not result in, as in forcingly necessitate, then having to fight God Himself directly’ (=Jer 50:24-25ff||Rev 18:6ff)....  Because (a) one (easier) way, or the other (Isa 30:15-17) , He is indeed going to get His (human-blasphemed and trampled (Rev 13:1, 6; 17:3)) Will respected, and Way done; and (b) when it comes to accomplishing what He said will happen: He is indeed All-Mighty!!! (Isa 46:9-11).
            It must all be Biblical ignorance/illiteracy (Hos 4:6ff) and/or Spiritual witlessness/blindness (Isa 29:9-16), and/or (from) calculated and purposeful, Divinely-sealing, utter-abandonment (Isa 6:8-12|Matt 13:10-15; Rev 13:8; 22:11; 2 Thess 2:11-12; GC 48.2), induced through their Babylonian: wine- (Isa 28:7; Rev 17:2; 18:3, 23; contra 2 Tim 4:5), (immorally|sensuously-gained) wealth- (Luke 16:13; Jam 5:1-5; Rev 17:2, 4; 18:7, 9, 15-19) and/or blood(lust)- (Jam 5:6; Rev 13:4; 17:8b||Rev 13:12-15; 16:6; 17:6; 18:24; 19:2; =Rev 11:7-10-see in here) drunkenness (Isa 28:7ff), -manifested in the deluding non-Biblical (e.g. Rom 5:13), “Lucifer”/Satan-sought&borne (e.g. Gen 3:4-5), also Anti-Christ (2 Thess 2:9-10) and US-Championed (=Rev 13:11ff), death-producing (cf. John 8:44): sin-condoning|facilitating|endorsing|supporting|practicing “Freedom/Liberty & Capitalism”, -(now more entrenchedly than the prior Religio-Political endeavor): Socio-Economic agenda & worldview)[5], which recurringly has made humans (despite knowingly being in the wrong), think they can fight against God and win (Psa 2; Rev 17:14)...Confirmingly-enough: talk about ‘suicidal-losers’ (Rev 6:15-17)...(Pro 1:20-30ff)....

Isa 42:14-17 (e.g. Jos 7:8-13)
Rev 16:19; 18:21;[6] Rev 19:2-3, 19-21; 20:8-10
[Rev 18:4||2 Cor 6:14-18]

[1] “BTW”, what’s the difference between the “terroristic revolutionists” (theistic) ISIS vs. (humanistic/secularistic) France:....at best 223 to 34 years, and the, -more efficient-, “Guillotine” ....

[2] And really, in God’s Great, Just, Wisdom (cf. Pro 1:20, 28-33; Deut 28:61-63; e.g. Deut 28:20ff; Isa 13:17-19ff; Rev 17:17|Rev 19:19-21), it is this permitted supernaturalness element, -as mandatingly codified in their Koran, which has been fueling the sustenance and/or active resurgence of Militant Islam, especially in recent times, when the now much more militaristically advanced West can, and is, inflicting great damage on them in the ongoing “War on Terror” fighting.
            So if “moderate” (read “Liberal”) Muslims really want to, -(merely for public relation and image purposes): “revolutionize/modernize Islam” (see e.g. here and here), thus to (somehow) not involve/allow for radicalness and militancy, -which were actually preached and practiced, according to fair “Rules of Engagement” by their founding prophet Mohammed, then these aspiring “reformers”, will actually have to also produce a matching or superceding supernatural sign/testimony of having been “Divinely” inspired by “Allah”....
            ...And on the flip side, God has also been most fair to compensate for that allowed supernatural delusion of Islam by, as cited here, being more than willing to supernaturally assist, via guiding angels, many Muslims who are seeking to convert to Christianity.

[3] Speaking of ‘(random) public terrorizing attacks’...Did anyone not hear about this one: a virtual, even literal army, of 361 combatants, -many, at least technically, bleeping on the radar of, at least, gun control law enforcement, for various reasons assaulted and shot up mainly urban area spots, in every U.S. States, mowing down over 461 people and injuring 1309 people... = Just another average year of Daily Mass Shootings [latest listing: Gun Violence Archive] in the United States. (P.S.: cf. here).

P.S.2: Relatedly, -in response to e.g. this claim, see this (more scientifically-correlated) study/report.+see here. Case in point: Private/household gun ownership in New York City is probably likewise also drastically down since the 1990's given its tougher gun laws/control, and yet its crime rate is also drastically down: because of better crime prevention/fighting and improved (urban) living conditions. Gun ownership increases are largely concentrated amongst people who are already gun owners (e.g. ca. 20% own 65%) & non-urban residents.

P.S.3: In response to this objection/cf. here&here: A.k.a.: ‘Firearm Facilitated, Private or Public, Multiple/Mass [=4+] Casualty Incidents’. Btw, the narrower Mother Jones reckoning does not consider, e.g., this July 23, 2015, 11(+1)-casualty incident in a theater; nor this Nov. 27 2015 12-casualty incident at a Planned Parenthood clinic, as mass shootings!!

P.S.4: -And fittingly enough, if a formal mental/psychological/psychiatric wellness test was required to be passed before one is allowed to purchase/own a firearm in the U.S., Enrique Marquez probably would not have been able to (strawly, even legally) purchase 2 semi-automatic assault rifles for Syed Farook....

P.S.5 (06-13-2016): - Ditto, -including the ‘unchecked mental instability’ of Omar Mateen element, for the: June 12, 2016 Orlando Mass Shooting at a gay nightclub, -the “worst mass shooting in U.S. History”... P.S.6 (10-03-2017): ...until Las Vegas 2017 (~Hos 8:7a)...

[4] Indeed God needed a tangible, human force in order to effectuate various pivotal practically, physically and vitally necessary judgements upon the Earth, and when His Israel was not in any position for him to be able to do this for/through Him, or even worst, when His own Israel was that ‘World History Skewing National (esp. Redemption Purposes) Threat’ (e.g. 2 Kgs 17:7-18; Isa 6:8-13; 2 Chr 36:20-21), God had, really repugnantly (cf. Isa 14:24-27), to “outsource” that necessary military enforcement/intervention to outright Pagan Nations and their Forces. God Judging Israel’s 10 Northern tribes was intended to be a total judgement (see 1 Kgs 19:15-18) so it was left, without reservations, to Assyria (2 Kgs 17:6, 21-23).....But when Assyria then wanted to do the same thing (2 Kgs 18:13-19:13) to the Judah Southern Remnant 2-Tribe Kingdom of Israel (2 Kgs 17:18), God then had to, -and as warranted/permitted by a faithful Remnant then (2 Kgs 19:14-28), Supernaturally intervene to protect them. (2 Kgs 19:29-37||Isa 37:30-38).
            But when God was left with no other actionable option, due to an unfaithful people (2 Kgs 17:19-20), -who would only be destroyed if He supernaturally manifested Himself in their midst (cf. Exod 33:3-5ff), but who nonetheless needed to be partially salvaged after being corrected (cf. Jer 27:22; Isa 14:1-3) for the Messianic/Redemptive Good of this World (2 Kgs 19:34), He had to turn to pagan powers, even the pointedly Satan-possessed (Isa 14:4, 12-14ff), then World Hegemony Power of Babylon (e.g. Jer 27:1-11ff)...Who Satan was evidently trying to take control of (Isa 14:12-21) in order to avoid them cooperating with such Redemptive-purposeful plans of God....Which is why God later could, even had to, -as now warranted under the Rules of Engagement in this Cosmic-Planetary Great Controversy, give Babylon, through its King Nebuchadnezzar, supernatural revelations and indications (e.g. the prophetic dream of Dan 2 & the ensuing correction for rebellion in Dan 3 against the testimony of that clear Divine revelation of Dan 4), in order to get Babylon to faithfully execute His will, and that properly. God even had to resort to the same Supernatural Intervention when later dealing with another Pagan Word Hegemonic Power in Medo-Persia when it came time for them to have to peacefully release His captive Judah Remnant (See Isa 44:26-45:7; 2 Chr 36:22-23||Ezra 1:1–2ff; 2:1ff)....And God had to also judge Babylon for having oversteppingly acted too ruthlessly, -in order to try to completely end Judah by defiantly engaging in murdering its people/offsprings (Psa 137:7-9) when fully awarely/knowingly (Jer 39:11-12) executing Divinely-Authorized/Permitted partial/time-limited (e.g. Jer 29&30) Judgement against it (=Isa 14:4, 22).
            So what was God going to do in the future when, with Satan having learned a lesson here in this Babylon vs. Judah episode, Satan then knew that, to avoid any such outsourced intervention possibility by God, He had to now make God’s own people become that “Babylon”, including by it also having World Hegemony and Super Power status. That way: ‘even God could not (naturally) subdue it’ (=Rev 18:7b). Given the religious-based enmity between the Jews and (Pagan) Rome, Satan was not able to make the morphing union by the time of the First Century A.D. and so God was able then to still outsource His Judgement mandate (=Matt 22:1-8ff) to the “Babylon Hegemony & Super Power” of that day: Rome (cf. 1 Pet 5:13); which ended the now detrimental, growing world influence of the outright false, and spurious (e.g. Matt 15:1-9; 23), being now Messianically-surpassed Covenant which a prosperous Jerusalem and respected Judaism was greatly having in the First Century A.D.....
            So Satan took another lesson from that schooling defeat and from then on, -as God fully expected (as prophesied in e.g. Dan 7 & 8), endeavored to now make God’s own professing people become that “Babylon” including in Super-Power terms in regards to World Hegemony and Military Might. And by fundamentally acting to pervert the Gospel teachings of the Christian Church, Satan was able to do this (=Rev 8:10-11), which resulted in the powerful “Papal/Holy Roman Empire”....
            So all this to prefacingly say/show: What then was God going to do when this time would come when the most powerful nation on earth was His own former, but now abominably apostate, and Satan-controlled people (Rev 17:5), who moreover were spreading their insidiously detrimental influence throughout the whole world, both Religio-politically (Rev 17:2) and Socio-economically (Rev 18:3)??!...(Indeed the latest, (i.e. Eschatological), stage of “Babylon” (i.e. America) is falsely claiming to merely be a ‘secular power which only produces prosperity through [“Satanic’ i.e. Gal 5:13; 1 Pet 2:16; Rom 8:21; John 8:32-36] free-will democratic freedom’ (i.e. Capitalism =Rev 13:11ff), and thus is merely functioning at best as a ‘consorting Queen’ and therefore should, could and indeed will not, be justly judged, thus even by God Himself (=Rev 18:7-8)). Moreover: What was God going to do now when, unlike before in the days of Judge 6 & 7, God then could resort to a united people/army, who also importantly were part of the descendants of Abraham (through Ishmael), and thus had a checking fear of Him???!!...
            Well, herewith is God’s authorized actions for Islam, and ensuing: permitted purposes through Militant Islam (=Rev 9) to indeed act as that tangible/physical, and (much more than less) naturally capable, Checking, Judging and Correcting Militaristic Power against that Fourth-Stage/Version (Rev 12:3; 13:1, 11; 17:3), Satan-(“finally”)-accomplished “BabylonDragon-behemoth/monstrosity (Rev 17:8-13)...which (now) needs to be lastingly put down (Rev 14:9-11; 17:14-18; 18)....
            So, in recapping summary: that is all why God has allowed Islam to be a partial Biblical Truth, Old Covenant styled/mandated, Arabs-unifying Religion (=Rev 9:1-6), which exercised militaristic actions (=Rev 9:7-11) and which naturally would have pointed, intrinsic issues against (Heretical/Persecutive) Roman Catholicism and the (Capitalistic/Imperialistic) United States...(Rev 9:12, 11:14)

[5] Really the only survivable option for the U.S., or at least the (relatively/supposedly) “righteous” part of the U.S., to avert these judgements from God would be to do like Israel of old and split the nation/country into two parts (i.e., Northern Kingdom (Israel) of 10 tribes, -[which was eventually effaced in the pagan Assyrian’s invasion and assimilation] vs. the Southern Kingdom (Judah) of 2 tribes = 1 Kgs 11). Thus for the U.S.: the sin-licentious/liberal part (e.g. Democrats/“Blue States”) vs. the more religious part (e.g. Republicans/“Red States”)...And yet even that partitioning would not resolve anything as both sides have their mixed in virtues and sins. E.g. Democrats are more prone to effectuate Christ’s binding Social Gospel mandate (e.g. Matt 25:40-46) while Republicans are more prone to acting according to Satan’s master delusion (=Luke 16:13|EW 266-269) of: e.g. selfishness, greed and competition/covetousness -espousing Capitalism. (Luke 3:11; 12:15; Phil 2:3ff; Exod 20:17):  #UnitedInBlasphemousAbominableApostasy...What else could/would you Hell-Borne&Bound (Rev 13:11ff) “Sons of Perdition” do (Rev 17:5, 8, 11; John 17:12|2 Thess 2:3)!!!

[6] Most emblematic/representative enough: the re-engineeredly reconstructed New, -symbolizingly 1776  feet high, Capitalistic Trade/Economic-virility Obelisk and Satanic “Freedom” enshrining, prior-complex-commemorating, Global-spread Cornerstoning, flagship “One World Trade Center/“Freedom Tower”; of: “know-(way)-better-than-Jesus” (DA 716-722), indeed, -as stated in the Note above: destined “son(s)-of-perdition” (John 6:70-71), America (Rev 13:11ff) has, pompously/toutedly, been, in its reinforcing (now) concrete core, meticulously designed to withstand conventional (i.e. short of a (“point zero”) nuclear detonation), natural or human-borne ‘forces that can only be produced at the deepest depths of the ocean (i.e. 16,000+ PSI)!!!’....Well isn’t that exactly where, -(and indeed, as pointedly presented in PCO 138.1, at ‘the casting “pillars” of buildings’: of which the new WTC’s ‘(now) high-performant-concrete-reinforced/encased structural core’ certainly applies; -even, and meaningfully much more so, than what has been SDA-claimed here[59:07ff]: “Nashville’s neoclassical Parthenon (1897)” {see it in 1909})...including in the presently wider applicable symbolism from the original/historical Greek Parthenon which was regarded as: “an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece [cf. Rev 13:2’s leopard (=Grecian (Dan 7:6)) -bodied (First) Beast], Athenian democracy and western civilization, and one of the world's greatest cultural monuments”... cf. the 2008 DNC), God intends to, now once and for all, have “one Mighty/strong angel” (=Supernaturally), “violently send”, a previously, warningly, fire-thrown down (Isa 30:8-15; Rev 18:8-10), (cornerstone-)anchor-like “great millstone” of this, sin-facilitating and murderously-oppressing (=Matt 18:6-7): Religious | Political | Social/Cultural | Economic, World-inebriating, city-nation (Rev 17:18) Babylonian Whore (=Ezek 16:48-50; Matt 26:23-25; Rev 13:17-18)....

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